Kinderkirppe & Kindergarten Sorgenlos
Schulgasse 34, 1180 Wien
01 / 922 53 55
2 free places toddler group 0-3 years
1 free place family group 2-6 years
If you are interested in a childcare place with us, you have the opportunity to register your child with the help of our registration form or you can visit us personally.
If you register personally, please bring the following documents:
* Kindergarten number of the City of Vienna
* Registration form
* SV number
* Mother-child pass
* 150 € registration fee
Personal appointments are possible to be scheduled from Monday to Friday by telephone appointment: 01/922 53 55 all day.
Forms of the Municipal Department can be downloaded here:
Registrationconfirmation City of Vienna
Exemption from the food contribution
Tax deductibility of childcare costs
The year of care begins on 1 September and ends on 31 August of the following year. We are happy to accept your child during the year.
Here you can download a folder with all short information.